Archived entries for Art Classes

Free trial of Adobe Lightroom v.2 Beta

In class, we discussed using Adobe CS3 Automated Web gallery creator script in Photoshop and Bridge. As I mentioned, you can use many programs to automatically generate web galleries from your image files. In my next post, I will list other programs. A program that I have been using for over a year is Adobe Lightroom. By far, this is one of the fastest ways to generate web galleries. Last week Adobe release a free Beta version to Lightroom version 2. You can download a copy from this link. You will need to create an account and agree to license terms. Once you do, you will see a link for a copy of the beta for Macintosh and for Windows machines. You may not have interest in the digital photo processing procedures of Adobe Lightroom, but while the Beta version is operational, you will have some very attractive web templates, that can be created easily. Let me know if you have questions or problems with the download or install.

Couch + Couch = Accordion fold book

Jean Funcke accordion book

Jean Funcke made an accordion book by couching two sheets of handmade paper with pieces of ribbon between the two sheets. Once the sheets have been dried, they can be folded to create an accordion book. Note the texture of the paper that she used. Her paper is a mix of cotton fiber and cooked straw.

Andrea beats rags to a pulp

Andrea showing pulp
Often, in class, the question is posed. “Is this pulp beaten enough?” Often my reply is, “It depends” In Andrea Brdek’s case, this pulp is almost ready for what she wants to do.
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Amanda Larson, work in progress

Amanda Larson, a student working with Professor Mary Hark from the Design Studies Department is working on a large screen type installation using abaca pulp in the paper mill. Below are some process photos as she is building her pieces.

This is a detail of the piece. Continue reading…

In celebration of above freezing temperatures.

Today we moved outside to form a large sheet of paper.

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Question: How do you make a sheet of handmade paper?

In no way is this a complete answer, but these ten photographs quickly show you how a sheet of paper is formed and couched. Andrea and Jean work as a team to form sheets of paper from cotton fibers.

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Free training videos for Adobe CS3

Adobe Video Workshop page

I was searching for an answer to a question for a problem in InDesign and I discovered free training videos on the Adobe site. Go to Adobe Video Workshop On the top of the left column is the a list of training videos called Adobe Video Workshop. Let me know if you have any questions.

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