Archived entries for Art 356 Demos

Dean gets an A’daBoy

Your classmate Dean found this free FTP program. Say it with me – IT IS FREE – But it installs only on Firefox. Copy and paste this link using FIREFOX not Safari

Then hit the INSTALL button It will install it in your FireFox brower. I will add a shot tutorial to configure it soon. That way it may be easier to add files to your web space.

Photoshop layer masking demo

link to video

If you use Adobe Photoshop, you might find this on line video tutorial of interest. Follow this link to a video by Matt Kloskowski. The series is part of the on line videos by Peachpit Press. The link that takes you to the video is at the bottom and is called Layer Masking 101 Tutorial.

Setting up your web space

These photos illustrate how to set up your web space at the School of Education web space. Check your email for the url, user name and password.

Step one – Load Dreamweaver and go to the Site menu and scroll down to the new site selection.

Step two – You can title your site any name that you like. This is simply the file name, it is not the web site name. Type in the web address that is in your email where it says “What is the HTTP address of your site?” Select “Next”

Step three – Select no for using server technology and then Select “Next” at the bottom of the window. Select “Next” at the bottom of the window.

Step four – Select “Edit Local copies on my machine” for this step. The second window is asking you for a location on your computer to store your files. Click on the folder icon that is located on the right side of the window and navigate to a location of your choice. Select “Next” at the bottom of the window.

Step five – Fill in these sections with your information. In the top window select FTP as your choice. Use the user name and pass word that was given to you, not your UW net id. You can hit the “Test connection” button to see if it connects with the server. Then Select “Next” at the bottom of the window.

Step six – Selected “No, do not enable check in and check out”. Select “Next” at the bottom of the window.

Step seven – Select done.

Software training for students

Yesterday someone asked about software training on campus. I received a link today with information for students wishing to sign up for software training. Go to this link.

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